Alienated Grandparents Anonymous, Inc.

Have you been cut off from a grandparent-grandchild relationship?

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Alienated Grandparents Anonymous

Have You Been Cut Off from or Severely Limited to Access to Your Grandchildren? 

Alienated Grandparents Anonymous (AGA) focuses on the struggle millions of grandparents have in being part of their grandchildren’s lives.  AGA provides support, information, coping skills, and strategies for a hopeful reunification. Our organization helps validate the feelings of those suffering various levels of alienation. We offer suggestions from the advice of international experts who have shared their knowledge with AGA, from AGA professional surveys, and from communications with many thousands of grandparents who have been affected. 

We must be the voice of our grandchildren. 

They would not want you to give up on them.

Who can our grandchildren turn to for help?

Your grandchildren are waiting to be with you, too!

Email AGA for the following:

  • AGA Quarterly Newsletter
  • Monthly Tele-Conference Call-In Support Group Meetings
  • Meetings with AGA Headquarters
  • Documents To Share with Those Who Can Help:

…physicians, clergy, mental health providers, attorneys, judges, and law enforcement, schools

  • Inquiries for Local Support Group
  • How To Start A Support Group In Your Area 

AGA Email: 
[email protected]

AGA Podcast Link:
 (Then click: Episode Website)

Join the Online Support Group:

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Already signed up? 
Click here to access the online community.

 More resources, including online classes, are available (click here).


"Creating Memory Journals for Estranged Grandchildren"



Our Organization At a Glance

AGA, Inc.   Non Profit     501 C3    IRS  U.S. Government           

AGA, Inc.  Florida State Department   Division of Corporations      

[email protected]

Team AGA - The Grandparent Movement Originated in 2011

150 Support Groups     
50 States   |   22 Countries    

Hundreds of  Known Success Stories